February 1, 2025 - At Sea

Dear friends and family,

Including today, we have three more sea days before we arrive in Fuji. I had another fun, quiet day. I enjoyed lunch with the singles gang and then did more watercolor painting with Marcia, Carla and Victoria. My stateroom is getting colorful with my paintings.

I finally took a dip in one of the swimming pools (vs. just in one of the hot tubs). It was so nice! Carla and I had dog paddle races while Victoria cheered us on. We then went into two hot tubs - the first at a lower temperature and then stepped up to warmer.

The sky turned a gorgeous lavender tonight and we saw the beginning of a new moon. In Seattle, any purple-ish sky portends snow. Here it portends another beautiful blue sky day.

The evening wrapped with an Elvis impersonator who had all the moves!

With love,


February 2, 2025 - At Sea


January 30-31, 2025 - Crossing the International Date Line